Saturday, May 12, 2012

Japanese societies in Kyrgyzstan and the world,

Nov. 26. 2010

I finally began my activity in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan yesterday. I was invited to a jazz concert by a Japanese guy. More than thirty Japanese in Bishkek gathered at the concert, and even a Japanese ambassador and the chief of JICA(Japanese International Corporation Agency) were there. Also, a Kyrgyz industrialist and a powerful Kyrgyz politician were there. I was just there to grab some free foods, but it was a big event for the Japanese society in Bishkek.

Here in Kyrgyzstan, contribution of Japanese people in local to Kyrgyzstan's development is huge. I heard a nationally recognized company Kyrgyzstan  became its current size because of enormous supports by Japanese people, and an academic course, in which Kyrgyz business people learn from Japanese entrepreneurs, is very popular. JICA also does contribute to the local society in terms of education and welfare. These reasons were why such important people gathered at the concert yesterday.

"I thank all Japanese people as a representation of citizen of Kyrgyzstan" the business guy said his Japanese at the end of party.

It's obvious that each nation has own history, and my country is related to the history in a different shape with another.

The history with China & Japan and Kyrgyzstan & Japan are different. Also Kyrgyzstan & China have a history.

I saw the international topic in China was almost always political something that I hate. But the thing exist in Kyrgyzstan as an international cooperation or support. This is so nice.

Not having direct influence on the world with a military power. This is a must for Japan. I think things I saw yesterday such as Inter-social support, educational, and welfare support are the way my country should go. This should be how we show our smartness as well as reliable cars and IT something.


It's easy that Anime goes over the sea, but I also want Japanese people to go over the sea with justice and mission. This is what Japan should accelerate as a country.

Oh I got to many things I want to do in my future. My to-do list is full of my dreams.

I hope I can find much more dreams in this country during my staying.

Looking at beautiful Kyrgyz women,,,, this is secondly.

Go for it!! Chuji,

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