Friday, May 18, 2012


1. Dec. 2010

During my stay in Kyrgyzstan, an NPO CACSA takes care of this Japanese boy. They offer me the internet at their office, introducing people and institution to visit for my Origami project. They help local craft industry through fair trade business. Many Kyrgyz, especially those who are out of city, are given revenue resources because of CACSA. The crafts are mainly exported in the US and Europe.

Before leaving Japan, I had a list of hostels and coach surfings in cities where I was going to visit. These institutions are incredibly helpful for backpackers. But now, a local woman shares a room of her apartment for free. It looks like I don't need these hostel stuff anymore.

As long as I'm enthusiasm and not self center, many local people help me out. Whenever I get such helps, my enthusiasm burn more and more. I have to increase the number of such supporters of mine in this travel.

Start with nothing, and achieve a goal no matter how the goal is far away...this travel is like a my life in miniature. If I can do this now, I can do same challenges in my life too. This is why I must achieve the impossible goal gathering 1000 origamis with local's dreams in my travel.

I think I'm successfully picturizing and actuarizing such image in my travel.

Any difficulty and danger are so welcome!!
Please beat me so I can beat you!!

I will stay in Kyrgyzstan few more days. I can't wait to see how many helps will show up for Chuji.

Go for it!! Chuji,

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