Sunday, July 29, 2012


So, my days have been totally changed compared to the one in New Hampshire. I used to handle my 24 hours like when to study and when to do other things. My current life in LA is completely opposite. I work for a fixed time in a day, and basically what I do during a week is just this routine work between my house and my office. As I have wrote on this blog before, I am selling ads for local business, and we promote them in our free magazine. a vocabulary I recently remembered. Calling is the job you were given by the god (I don't believe the god though). I think being a sales rep at the current place is absolutely my calling. It's so fun. People are smart, job is tough but fun, and the biggest fact is that if you became a sales rep, every single week you fail more than you have failed in your life. This encourages my motivation very much, and my challenging spirit comes up whenever I failed!! I'm missing New England and people there. I'm missing people and food in Japan. But these are nothing compared to the excitements I have at me company.

Besides my job, I joined a business community called Sustainable Business Council in which I can network with enthusiastic challengers in sustainable business field. By acquiring selling skills at my company, I would like to learn new perspectives from people at SBC. Also, I will join a local farmer's market team as a volunteer stuff sometime soon. I think farmer's markets should be engaged with much more people's lives in local societies, and I would like to contribute to the processes.

Becoming a profitable sales rep, surviving only by myself, and contributing to society are tough, but the word  "go for it!!" is what I'm always saying to me.

Monday is almost there. What a wonderful sound.. I can't wait for you to come Monday!!

Go for it!! Chuji,

Sunday, July 22, 2012


My native language, Japanese, many times has more than one meaning in a same pronunciation. For example, "hashi" means bridge, chopsticks, and edge. Situation and accent are resources for us to distinguish from other meanings.

My mom sent me a watch in the last week. The brand is SEIKO which I was always willing to have. I wonder if you know about them, but they are regarded as one of the most reliable watch/clock makers in the world. You see their name at Olympic games. The pronunciation SEIKO means "accurate" in Japanese. As Japanese production is usually outstanding in terms of reliability and durability, yes their products last so long.

My watch is a solar watch, and I wanted to have only SEIKO's solar watch because I was looking one which lasts longer than my life. Since SEIKO is super reliable and high tech, my watch keeps ticking the as long as sun rises up!! I would like to work and live for even something I can't see in the future. When I purchased this watch online, I believed that this watch would remind me to work for not only myself and family, but also people in the future. "Did you know, this watch is used to be own by Chuji?" I hope someone in the future will say like this just as now we say the same thing like when we talk about an antique guitar used to be own by John Lennon or a baseball bat used to be used by Babe Roth.

So, now I need to let you know another meaning of SEIKO in Japanese. The word "seiko" has "accurate", and the other one is "success". Actually success is used in our conversation more often than accurate as we do in English too. By the way, Seiko is also name of my high school. So, the story I thought about when I ordered this one online was like this..."Chuji ,who graduated Seiko high school in more than 100 years ago, made huge huge seikos (success) with the SEIKO watch, which still ticks now, for people in our generation." Don't you think it would be so cool if it happened!?

Since my success is already guaranteed, I have to be careful so this watch wouldn't be broken:)

As more than 100 years are composed many days, my seiko (success) is also composed of daily seicos. I will have to seico tomorrow at the first. Otherwise, my great picture in the future will be ended just as a picture.

Oh I can't wait to work with this watch. So nice.

Go for it!! Chuji,

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Go for it!!

So, I'm back to California now. I graduated with my master's in NH, and got a job in LA. I'm selling advertisement to encourage local businesses and hopefully make this world better in anyway. I've been working only for 2 weeks now, but I'm already sure I will be the legendary employee at my company in a couple of years.

I traveled the Silk Road, I finished my master's degree. What I'm trying to achieve now is to be the legendary employee who brings incredible profits at the company, who incredibly manage the entire company as well as own sales team, and who makes incredible efforts to strengthen the teamwork in the company. I think I will establish my own business, but I haven't seen nothing about it yet. "Leverage our society through business and leave a better world for the future generations" is my motto.

I always say that I'm the luckiest boy in the world. I have traveled where I wanted to go, and I have studied what I wanted to study. Now, I'm living in where I want to live, and I'm doing what I want to do with people who I want to be with. I can't complain anything about my life. From this stage of my life, the value of Chuji should be measured by what I have overcome and gave others rather than what I have gained.

Keep your eyes on Chuji.

The entire space encourages Chuji to go for it.

Go for it!! Chuji,

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


31. Dec. 2010

Now, I'm waiting for my plane to Dubai at an airport in Istanbul. I will finally go back to my home through Dubai. My project took approximately three months. During this travel, I always made 100% effort to see locals' views so that I can expand my perspective. That was the biggest event in my life as a kid. I now feel both accomplishment to achieve a huge personal goal and sadness that I finished one dream in my life.

 The number of origami? OF COURSE I made it. That was a kind of miracle right before the end of my leaving Istanbul. Many people showed up to help me out, and when I gathered more than a thousand dreams, I accomplished my dream. Oh life is so wonderful. The number is 1014.

 So, now I saw the world. What I say whenever I was asked what I learned from this experience is "I understood that I haven't understood anything about this world yet."

 "What is the principle of the world?" this is what I have been asking all days in my trip, but no clear answer has come up yet. I really want to travel back to Japan in the same way where I came. I wanted to see more and absorb more.

Answers I got from this experience are much less than I expected when I was leaving Japan. Maybe I was too optimistic to get such universal ideas.

Anyway, I can't think so well now. My backs are dying because of the heavy backpack.

Thank you folks who supported me in this travel.

I love you all!!

Go for it!! Chuji,

I am Chuji


 So, I finally arrived in Istanbul, Turkey two days ago. I stayed my friend's friend's friend's family's house in the first night in this city. By the way, how I knew about the first "friend" is that I emailed her because I found her speech about the Silk Road on i-Tune. How nice to be connected to people all over the world!!

 Where am I staying now then? The friend's family introduced a new friend, and this friend's friend is a marketing manager at a four-star hotel in the central part of Istanbul. Yes, I'm staying at the expensive hotel with a too nice price;) I didn't expect that I will finish my challenge like this way, but now I think something rewarded me because I couldn't sleep on this much comfortable bed in my travel and sometime my bed was asphalt.

 Just physically moving to the West from the East is not my purpose. Yes, I'm gathering a thousand of origami to have opportunities to communicate with locals in the world and see their perspectives. But, the current number of origami is around 850, and I have to make the other 150 in this couple of days. It's a super tough goal....but there is no excuse in my life. I achieve whatever I said I would do!! Many many people are watching and supporting me in this project. It's of course that I make my best to achieve the goal as long as I have a time.

Today I visited an elementary school, and made origami with kids together. When I told them that they can write more than one dream on a crane origami, they reded their cheeks and high-fived each other. Who can give up!! I have to make their dreams come true!! I can knock and wake people up in this hotel to make origami, I can ask people at the airport right before my plane leaves...there is always a way to go.

A Chinese teacher pushed his school and allowed me to visit classes at an University in Xian although the time is politically difficult for both of our countries. Folks in Kyrgyzstan took care of my project and all I needed. I would have been kicked out from Uzbekistan if I didn't have the help by a Madam I met there. My Kazakh dad in Aktau, Kazakhstan, extremely beautiful girls I met in Azerbaijan, a beautiful Dutch woman I met in Istanbul.

This selfish project is not only mine anymore.

 I will beat any difficulty in this project.

 I can Do it.

 I am Chuji.

 Go for it!! Chuji,