Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I am Chuji


 So, I finally arrived in Istanbul, Turkey two days ago. I stayed my friend's friend's friend's family's house in the first night in this city. By the way, how I knew about the first "friend" is that I emailed her because I found her speech about the Silk Road on i-Tune. How nice to be connected to people all over the world!!

 Where am I staying now then? The friend's family introduced a new friend, and this friend's friend is a marketing manager at a four-star hotel in the central part of Istanbul. Yes, I'm staying at the expensive hotel with a too nice price;) I didn't expect that I will finish my challenge like this way, but now I think something rewarded me because I couldn't sleep on this much comfortable bed in my travel and sometime my bed was asphalt.

 Just physically moving to the West from the East is not my purpose. Yes, I'm gathering a thousand of origami to have opportunities to communicate with locals in the world and see their perspectives. But, the current number of origami is around 850, and I have to make the other 150 in this couple of days. It's a super tough goal....but there is no excuse in my life. I achieve whatever I said I would do!! Many many people are watching and supporting me in this project. It's of course that I make my best to achieve the goal as long as I have a time.

Today I visited an elementary school, and made origami with kids together. When I told them that they can write more than one dream on a crane origami, they reded their cheeks and high-fived each other. Who can give up!! I have to make their dreams come true!! I can knock and wake people up in this hotel to make origami, I can ask people at the airport right before my plane leaves...there is always a way to go.

A Chinese teacher pushed his school and allowed me to visit classes at an University in Xian although the time is politically difficult for both of our countries. Folks in Kyrgyzstan took care of my project and all I needed. I would have been kicked out from Uzbekistan if I didn't have the help by a Madam I met there. My Kazakh dad in Aktau, Kazakhstan, extremely beautiful girls I met in Azerbaijan, a beautiful Dutch woman I met in Istanbul.

This selfish project is not only mine anymore.

 I will beat any difficulty in this project.

 I can Do it.

 I am Chuji.

 Go for it!! Chuji,

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