Sunday, October 21, 2012

Surfing and Investing

Surfing is always in center of my mental stableness. When I was in college in Japan, I traveled not only the entire surf spots in Japan, but also I went to Indonesia, Australia, and the US for surfing. Reason that I decided to study in California was because I wanted to surfing while studying. As I was leaving the US in 2009, I also decided to leave all of my surfing tools so that I can motivate myself in Japan to come back to this place. I couldn't even surf in NH during my master program because of location and tight schedule, but now, I surf every single weekend at one of the best surf spots in the world. How cool my life is!!!

At the beginning, surfing is super tough and not even fun, but once you got together with a wave, you will get addicted. It's better than nothing to sport with the nature. Your team mate is the entire nature!! In this great nature, there is no rich and poor, old and young, white and color, but only bravery to face and catch the wave. When you finished surfing with tired arms, you would feel so refresh and calm down and get ready to live in the real world again. Surfing is this much powerful to bring you power and peaceful mind.

But as I run in the real world almost all time and in the ocean only an hour in a week, I can't run away from my life. Work is as important as surfing is. And I am super enthusiastic to be a successful business guy in the near future. So what I have been doing is that I invest a part of my money to a new experience that I can't do in my daily life. I went to an exclusive Thai restaurant in the most high end place in South Bay, CA in the last Friday. This restaurant is right in front of ocean , and a free jazz live was there too. That was a soo good experience to know how success people spend their Friday night, and I believe this sort of investment would bring myself up to a little higher level. So now my mind is just like a successful guy.

Oh I can't wait for start working tomorrow. So enthusiastic my days are.
And I hope my writing is motivating yourself even a little bit.

Go for it!! Chuji,

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