Sunday, October 14, 2012

Are you republican?

"Are you republican?"

A guy at a bar table in a  party hall where I went in the last weekend asked me. I think he was having a badge of Republic on his chest. He is not only the one who publically asked my political view. I think this is good for the US to have opener discussion opportunities about own society. Compared to Japan, I think US has a more advanced democratic culture where people more aggressively speak about tax, education, foreign affair, and all other political stuff. However, what I always reply is "I am a Chujist. I believe what I do, and I would chose whichever it works better in each four years although I have no right to do so.

You can read how I was lucky to travel the Silk Road in my past article especially when I was applying for my visa. Because I have a Japanese passport, that was way easier to pass different boarders compared to other passports. Many people and governments were very respectful for my country and what we are doing. But whenever they started talking and about me, they only said and asked about Japan, Japan, and Japan instead of myself. "Oh you are a Japanese? Then it would be so easy to get a tourist visa in my country!!" I was so happy and proud of my country, but do you know these countries are only a little more than 20 years old, and how I could identify myself is only this small piece of paper? As I get visas from different governments, I started thinking "How come did they give me a visa so soon? Because I am Japanese? What do they know about me? I can't make sushi and nice cars... I'm just Chuji...." Since then, I am really uncomfortable to be with a unclear organization called government.

"What is a country?" This is only a place where people in an old time landed/moved and made lines, and they also painted an original flag and created a song so that they can identify local people as their citizen...

So yea, I still have so much things to write about this topic, but anyway I am a Chujist who believes Chuji. Because politic is still very important in our life and coming generations, I would vote for either of one if I could, but a political party should be something we handle instead devote by being bra bra lican/lian or bra bra ism. Government should be something we use/through away instead give yourself to. And a country should be something you chose for your better life instead sacrifice for.

And I hope, someday even after my death, we can leave a group of people who govern people. This is my hope. I believe we can have individually sustainable small communities instead.

Go for it!! Chuji,

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