Monday, May 27, 2013

Vertical Farm

I read the news about the growth of vertical farm (hydroponic) in this weekend. As pictures of my MBA colleagues, who are just graduated in the last weekend, reminded me of my life in business school, this article just stimulated me willing to have a green business in the future. When I was in my business school, I created a new business model. It's a local vertical farming business in Manhattan, NY.

"Making the environmentally sustainable future generation by making profit" was the mission statement of the business model, and this is to produce and distribute leafy vegetables to 24,000 restaurants only in Manhattan. As of 2011, the US imports 5.7-million tones of fresh veggies, and 2/3 of them are coming from Mexico. Of course farmers there use tones of chemical to merchandise those veggies by saving some healthy
land for themselves to grow their foods. Killing the land of Mexico, consuming a lot of fuel to transport these chunks of chemical and some nutrition, and people pay for those cheap and unhealthy stuff by losing tons of employment opportunities in local as well. This is a huge problem in our society but I also think this is one of great opportunities for me to be the World hero. People say vertical farm (hydroponic) is not as healthy as naturally frown veggies, but I'd rather want my non-chemical veggies grown by local people to be eaten by local people.

I'm not dreaming this story in the small island of Manhattan. There should be a business opportunity in all over the World as long as our population increases in the limited space in the Earth. In Sweden, for example, they are planning a 177-foot skyscraper to farm leafy greens at the edge of each floor. Company in Texas, alsohas built a 150,000-square-foot "plant factory" NPO working on expanding hydroponic business who I contacted to when I was making this business model is now reaching Indian market as its population is too rapidly increasing compared to its food production.

Oh I can't wait this future to come true in my life. I already see my life is vertically growing with the vertical farm business. Go for it!! Chuji,

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