Sunday, September 29, 2013


In a couple weeks ago, I visited a NPO,called MOA, in West LA. They are committed to local  society by providing local food distribution with their own gardens.

The president at MOA shared a couple of thoughts with me, and one of them is a movie about how GMO, Generically Modified Organization, scares the US and the coming generation in the World. I wanted to share this movie with you because I believe at least we need to know the scary possibility that GMO has so that each of us can make our own decision on what we eat and feed our kids.

I will go ahead to take a couple of actions from this movie. I will keep it posted on this blog.

Let's get started. Chuji,

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Let's get started

I have been writing this blog for my journey and daily update purposes since I started writing it. From today, I am going to update local, green, and sustainable business information. This motivation came from a conversation with my friend. Since I am interested in establishing a sustainable business in three years I have been talking my ideas to people, and he advised me that I need to express those ideas to more people through my blog.

I have a dream and plan to make new business flows and values for society with the concept of green, local, and sustainable, and I even believe that I can win the Novel Prize by maximizing contribution to our society and profit through my businesses.

Let's get started, Chuji,